——— Dejal Userware™ Registration and Order Form ———
Dejal Sound Utilities, release 5.
Send to: Dejal Userware,12 Scorpio Place, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 10, NEW ZEALAND.
Date: ____________________
—— Registrations: (tick those appropriate) ——
[ ] Please register me for SndConverter Pro™: US$17.
[ ] Register me for SndConverter Lite™: US$9.95.
[ ] Register me for SndPlayer™: US$15.
[ ] Register me for SndCataloguer™: US$9.95.
[ ] Upgrade SndConverter Lite to SndConverter Pro: POA.
—— Dejal Sound Utilities bundle: ——
[ ] I wish to make life easier for myself and save money by ordering the Dejal Sound Utilities bundle (see the docs for a description; basically registering for everything and getting a disk with all the software and 3 disks of sounds): US$50. The sound disks I want are: ______________________, ______________________, _____________________. (Can leave blank or indicate kind of sounds preferred).
—— Disks: ——
[ ] Please send me a copy of the CURRENT Dejal Userware disk (described in the docs): US$5.
[ ] Please send me a copy of the Dejal Userware disk when the NEXT VERSION of the registered software is released: US$5. I currently have version(s): _________.
—— AutoUpgrade Options: ——
I wish to subscribe to the:
[ ] Biannual AutoUpgrade option: a disk every 6 months for 5 years: US$50.
[ ] Quarterly AutoUpgrade option: a disk every 3 months for 2 years: US$50.
[ ] New Version AutoUpgrade option: a disk whenever a new version of the registered software is released (8 disks): US$50.
—— Dejal Sound Library: ——
[ ] While you’re at it, please include a disk of interesting sounds for me to play with in the same bubblebag: US$3.
[ ] I want to receive the following disks from the Dejal Sound Library: US$5 per disk for the first 2 disks (minimum), and US$3 per extra disk (or US$8 per disk if choosing your own selection of individual sounds): _______________________
Total amount enclosed: US$________
Please select a method of payment:
[ ] Please find enclosed cash for the above sum (any major currency will be accepted — not only US$!). 10% discount available on the total for payment in cash.
[ ] I’m enclosing a cheque for the above amount, made out to “Dejal Userware”. 5% discount currently available for cheques.
[ ] I’m enclosing an international money order.
[ ] Please charge my VISA / MasterCard / Bankcard / Diners Club / American Express (circle one)